Fabulous Find Fridays: Drums, Girls + Dangerous Pie

Drums, Girls + Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick is a great resource for teen siblings who are trying to cope with a little brother or sister’s illness. Although the book is focused on a teen’s younger brother’s battle with cancer, the main character in the book goes through many of the stages of grief and coping while learning to navigate the hospital environment.

Steven doesn’t believe that his brother has cancer when Jeffrey is first diagnosed. He thinks that his little brother is being spoiled until Jeffrey starts losing his hair. Then Steven begins bargaining that he’ll behave better if his brother is cured. And finally Steven accepts Jeffrey’s cancer diagnosis and begins to learn more about the hospital environment that his brother is now a part of. While all of this is happening at home with his family, Steven is also going through typical middle school drama. This book is a great resource for any teens that are struggling with a loved ones diagnosis. It can serve as a reminder that they aren’t alone and the emotions they are feeling in response to this situation are normal.

Fabulous Find Friday: The Compassionate Friends

Today I want to share a resource for you to share with those you meet in the clinical setting. There is a group called The Compassionate Friends and their mission is to provide support to families after a child dies. The most interesting part about this group is that they aren’t just a support group for those who have lost a child but everyone involved has lost a child. From the local chapter to leadership in the national office, everyone involved has lost a child. So when people reach out for support, the people that greet them “know.” As much as we try to empathize and support families that are grieving, we don’t really know what it’s like to lose a child unless we have lost one. So by providing a support group to families of those who have walked this path as well, we offer those in pain another resource where they can begin to find healing.

The Compassionate Friends isn’t just for parents, but they also provide support to grandparents and siblings. Through their newsletters and support groups, anyone who has lost a child can find someone who shares their pain and really understands what it’s like to lose a child.

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Fabulous Find Friday: Sibling Support Project

I came across The Sibling Support Project while researching for a paper on supporting siblings of kids with special needs. The Sibling Support Project is a national program “dedicated to the life-long and ever-changing concerns of millions of brothers and sisters of people with special health, developmental, and mental health concerns.” This organization presents workshops for siblings, facilitates online groups for siblings and publishes books for siblings. The books include Views from Our Shoes: Growing Up with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs and The Sibling Slam Book: What It’s Really Like To Have a Brother or Sister with Special Needs. 

Visit their website to learn more about starting your own Sibshop; https://www.siblingsupport.org/about-sibshops/want-to-start-a-sibshop.